As They Arrived Madame Schachter Screamed Yet Again What Did Everyone Do

  • My theory behind Madame Schachter is that she's probably been to a concentration camp and somehow escaped to come back and warn the others. My reasoning is that she was the one that was suppose to warn the others, but all they did was believe that she was crazy, and discarded everything she said until they arrived to the concentration camp and seen "the fire in the darkness".
    I believe that Wiesel included this in his memoir because it one of the many times he was warned, but yet he was still oblivious. He couldn't fathom the fact that Hitler or anyone could do such a thing and if I was in his shoes I think I would react the same way he did. I think that somehow it is linked to his faith. I think that in some miraculous way god seen it fit to somehow allow Madame Schachter to escape so she could warn the others but it didn't work out that way.


  • Madame Schachter was freaking out which caused everyone on the train to worry. She kept saying that there was a fire but when everyone else looked out the window there was no fire. To me I feel like Madame was hallucinating on what was about to happen. After the few times she kept saying fire, and no one believed her, once they got to their locations, there was fire. I think she was experiencing what was about to happen before anyone was which was foreshadowing what was about to happen. I feel like Elie chose this because this was an important time during the holocaust. Madame was freaking out which ended up being reality for everyone on the train. This was a time where everyone including Elie didn't want to believe was real, but it was reality. This also showed how reactive the Jews were, when Madame freaked out everyone was curious. They all wanted to know what was about to happen. I do believe this is somehow linked to his faith because the whole holocaust had to deal with faith, and religion. Hitler didn't want anyone of the Jewish faith alive and so for Madame to foreshadow what was going to happen showed the reader what the Jews were about to face.


  • The incident with Madame made me think the same thing as i thought regarding Moshe . They were really serious about what happening and they already knew what was coming but from people knowing them , made them think it was not all that serious because they never been through it . Because they never been through it in their lives before made them not want to believe the miserable setting . She apparently had feedback and maybe had been through part of it before in her lifetime . I believe it was a diving warning . I say this because Madame knew of it before they were getting close to it . Maybe this wasnt just her first time seeing it or being involved in it either . I believe she had a mind frame the same as Moshe , which he went through it before and knew alot of details and feed back on the situation and what they were going to do . I believe he chose to include this in his memoir because the ending result revolved around this incident . The hints she was giving made it more complete also as Moshe was giving hints but nobody believed, but once it came to conclusion everybody felt maybe crazy or surprised . He also maybe included this because it made sense of what they went through during the ride . He wanted people to come to a realization that this wasnt just a normal route . I think it is because he also tried to get his family out of the situation but his father wouldnt listen . Also he believed Moshe so why wouldnt he also believe Madam when their kind of in a same situation , she just reacted worse. By them giving hints as to whats going to happen , Elie was for it instead of against , for everybody else they werent for it .


  • I believe that Madame Schacter was acting strange on the train. I think that she could have told everyone in detail what she was actually looking at or what she thought was going to happen to them. I think that what Madame Schacter saw was more of a vision. I say vision because she was saying what she thought was going to occur to them. I think that the reason why Elie Wiesel put the Madame Schacter incident was to tell the reader that there were people that there are people who tried warning other about what was yet to come. Or other people who tried giving hints or clues (but they cant say it for sure because they are in shock) about what is about to happen or about what will happen to them (the Jews). I dont think that this incident had anything to do with his spiritual faith, but when comes to him human being instincts, then yes there is a connection. Elie weisel had to mentally choose whether or not he was going to believe Madame Schacter's "non-sense".


  • My reasoning regarding the strange incident with Madame Schechter was that she was one of the people who foreshadowed the future, similar to Moshe the Beadle. She allowed us to see wat will happen to the Jews or what was already happening to them. I believe that she played a significant role in this story. She was screaming at the top of her lungs to warn people of the dangers that lied ahead, but because of the ignorance of the Jews, she got her point across to only a certain level of extent. Let's think about the conditions they were in: hunger, thirst, stench and to top it all of, a screaming woman. The Jews were surely tormented by this. I understand that they had reasons for hitting her. They even got to the point where they would slap her and punch her. She kept speaking of a fire. I believe that she did not make up anything or was hallucinating. I think it was more of diving warning, as I said in the beginning, for the events coming ahead. She could actually see fire; she wasn't joking It even hints it in the book. Standing in the middle of the car, in the faint light filtering through the windows, she looked like a withered treeing a field of weight (Wiesel 25). There is a detail we have to pay attention to, the faint light. So everybody was in utter darkness, she was the only person that could observe that there was a fire and flames burning. It says the space was tight too. None of them could see it either. It was a matter of where she was standing, and the angle of the light. No one could have probably guessed she was telling the truth, but she was. Wiesel justified in the end the saw flames in the darkness and smelt burning flesh. Once again, she was telling the truth. In the air, the smell of burning flesh (Wiesel 22). Wiesel chose to include this incident in his memoir because it shows how hard the Jews were. Even when they were in trouble, they wouldn't believe anyone. They didn't believe Moshe the Beadle about how he saw the extermination of the Jews until it happened, I believed it was the same with Madame Schetcher. It also shows the lengths people would go through to believe that they couldn't be killed, or that they were safe and sound. I think this incident is linked to his faith. Fire, when I think about that, I think of hell and death, eternal torment and torture. It could foreshadow that the next few days for the Jews will be like hell. There will be killing and torture of all Jews, and it will seem endless. They will experience pain and suffering like never before.


  • I think she was having hallucinations.What i think happened was she actually payed attention and listened to Moshe the beadle or just simply overheard a conversation when he was explaining what he saw at the camps. So those thoughts were already sitting in the back of her mind/head. Since they were on those cattle cars for days to weeks lack of food, sleep, and water might have also played a part in her hallucinations. Also since they weren't allowed to leave the cattle cars to use the restroom the stench might have had some terrible effect on her brain and that also might have played a role in her seeing the fire. Not only did those things play a role but the book says that she had gotten separated from her husband and her two sons not too long ago and she doesn't know what happened to them. When you put all of these things together and add the trauma then that gives you the only reasonable reason as to why she lost her marbles on the ride.
    I think that he chose to put this incident in there because it was a terrifying moment that he distinctly remembers and will never forget. He might have wanted us to see one small but important event that took place, that had an effect on his new character development. I think he remembers this so well because while everyone thought she was messing around and just acting plain crazy, It turns out that there was actually fire but what they were doing with it was more horrific than they could possibly imagine. I personally don't think that it has anything to do with his faith.


  • I think the strange incident with Madame Schachter was a vision. Vision is seeing something that is not present. In the book, Madame Schachter was visioning fires and only she could see it. I don't think it would be a hallucination because of hallucination when a person can see, touch, smell or hear something that is not really there but Madame Schachter was only seeing fires. She was screaming that she is seeing fire because she was probably frightened of the huge flames. I think Wiesel choose to include this incident in his memoir because this was the second time that the Jews ignored someone who is trying to tell them something that might save their lives if they had listened. I do think that this incident somehow linked to his faith. I think God gave Madame Schachter a vision so she could tell the Jews who were with her that they were in serious danger.


  • Madame Schachter was a jew in the ghetto with 2 son and a husband.After the second round of transporting the jews her and one of her son were separated from the father and youngest son. she end up getting on the third round pick ups with her son. she was heartbroken ,so she kept she fire when there was no fire. i believe that it was a vision because when they all get to the death camp everyone see fire and smell the burning of flesh. i think he chose to put this in the memoir because it grabs the reader's attention. i believe this was his faith because he has seen and witnessed all the emotion and death ,but he was able to survive and tell the stories other could.


  • I think that Madame Schachter was having visions about the concentration camps because she maybe had seen or hear about it some where. I feel like Wiesel was foreshadowing what was going to happen to the Jews and where they were going, through Madame Schachter visions. The visions were trying to warn the Jews that where they were going, that it was not going to be a very happy place for them.
    I think the reason why Wiesel put the incident in his memoir was to hint what was coming for the Jews, and to warn them too. I think that it was somehow linked to his faith.


  • I believe the incident with Madame Schachter was a vision, because you dont just repediatley see things that are not seen by others on coincidence. I feel that thoes visions of fire were given to her so that she could give the information given to her to everyone else so that they could see it too. But sadly they didnt believe her, and continued to be in denial about their fate. Elie chose this event in his book because it shows the disobiedence of people when they fear the truth. They other Jews allowed Madame Schachter to be beat and bound because she was interupting them, yet everytime she yelled about the fire they believed her for a moment and then went back to normal, but thatt fear on the inside stayed. They were afraid of their fate even though on the outside they wanted to believe that they were going to a safe place. Yes this event is linked to his faith,because when talking with Moishe Elie learned that his God would give him all answers when in question. All the Jews were in question on where they were going, and i feel that the God was giving Madame Schachter this vision to show that they were in terrible danger. Yet because they did not want to believe that they were in any danger they continued to believe that they were safe. And that cost most of them their lives.




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